What Does It Mean To Be A Self-Defining Woman?

“She stood in the storm, and when the wind did not blow her away, she adjusted her sails.” – Elizabeth Edwards

When I speak on being a self-defining woman, I mean for women to embrace who they are and what makes them. Not to suppress the person they are to satisfy someone else. Feminism–in its true form–is making the playing field even between men and women. On a communication front, learning how to express yourself honestly and reach your audience in a way they understand easily will make the world your oyster!

We each have the ability to define ourselves. Are you the mom? the CEO? the bread-winner? Does your title define you? No. Your title alone does not define you….unless you let it. Don’t sit back and let others define who they think you are. Take control of how people perceive you. Be thoughtful in your actions. Learn to respond to people with control not reaction. Stepping outside of yourself to figure out how to do this is different for everyone. Thankfully, we are here to help. Call us for your one hour personal brand consultation on us–That’s right, FREE OF CHARGE. What’s stopping you? 225.803.2008

~Jess Genung (Branding Specialist)