Tag: jess genung

  • “Nevertheless, she persisted.”

    “Nevertheless, she persisted.”

    per·sist·ence (pərˈsistəns/) (noun) firm or obstinate continuance in a course of action in spite of difficulty or opposition. NEVERTHELESS, SHE PERSISTED: These words resonate this month as the Women’s History Month mantra and a rally cry for women everywhere. Fighting for what we believe in is what changes the world. “…women everywhere who are breaking down… Read more

  • A new brand, a new location, a new hire….Oh my!

    A new brand, a new location, a new hire….Oh my!

    “I’m a strong believer that you practice like you play, little things make big things happen.” – Tony Dorsett We are so excited to start this new year out with so much to offer! We just went through a rebranding in the fall of last year; we opened a new office in Carpinteria, California; and… Read more